
27 September 2012

Why must 'Perjalanan hidupku'?

It's maghrib already..for those that can perform prayer lets perform prayer..for those can not lets do something that benefited us..

Why must 'Perjalanan hidupku'?

Actually, i wanna share my stories of my life,my experience..every moment i WALK, there must be something good&sometime something bad..we can make the bad one as a lesson or reminder to us..sharing is loving, right?

Am i hypocrite?but what is the connection with my tittle of my blog?my blog is my blog, right?so, i can do whatever i want, right?as long as i do not disturb somebody reputation, right?

My blog is still in "PEMBIKINAN"..hopefully i can touch up my blog..soon..!just like wearing make up lah pulok..=.=

For those that already knew me, i would like to say "HI, I'M BACK!DO MISS ME!"..for those that never know me "LETS BE SIBLINGS" i meant like sibling in this world..


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